All 4 of my children were potty trained in the mid 1990's with this social story coupled with the song and animated story telling of mom, dad, and siblings that were previously successfully trained. :) :) :) Now a second generation has turned from extremely resistant to using the toilet to happy and excited when he has had success...the only things I would change would be you teach toddlers the proper names of their anatomical body part.
The kids love this story. Good app for piquing their curiosity about potty training!
I bought this ap and it would not download for 2 wks (only have regular net at my home) finally traveled to a place with 4g, it downloaded!!
Didn't work so I downloaded the girl version for my son also because I thought, what the heck. That didn't work either. It had a refund option so I gladly took that but this one doesn't so I'm just upset I paid two dollars for something I can't use.
So so but needs more especially for $ maybe an activity?
Nice book...just wished the potty actually looked like a potty.
My twins boys love the book being read to them. It's a great way to get them motivated to use their potty!
This is a nice addition to the book, brings it to life. The sing a long feature does not work and same with the other song features thus the low rating. Please fix. I'm on GB 2.3.4 HTC Rezound.
Really like it. It catches the attention of my 1 y old boy.